A Resource every AMM student should know about


Apparel Merchandising & Management Database

Hey AMM students ever need a resource that has information on all the past, current, and future apparel trends, technical flats, color ways, or inspirational fashion images? Look into the WGSN database for everything you would need to find for your research papers or projects.

WGSN is a 13 year archive with over 5 million images and 650,000 pages of information for apparel, style, design, and retail industries. So chances are that regardless if you are a Retail or Production student at Cal Poly Pomona you will find what you need in this database. 

This is a reputable database that companies industry pay thousands of dollars to access. Their motto 'Trusted to deliver success to the best.' Companies look at WGSN as the industry's ultimate fashion trend forecasting service. 

WGSN is available to all AMM students you just have to know where to look for it. On the Cal Poly home page under the Library tab you can go to Featured Links and click on Databases. Once in the Database and Article Search page click on Apparel Merchandising & Management tab and you are taken to the most useful databases for AMM students. If you are not using a Cal Poly computure you would just need to log in before using any of the databases.


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